HOW TO KEEP YOUR LAPTOP COOL (without any fancy devices)


You probably hate your laptop for heating up like a grumpy ol man every time you use any form of multimedia. And badly seeking a solution. Or you wouldn't be on this blog for any other reason, would you?

I know what it feels like, having to work on a box of fire. It heats up like crazy and gradually it starts to lag (grumpy ol man again). It gets really annoying sometimes. You feel like throwing a glass of cold water on it. But don't (science reasons). It is important to calm yourself down before you become the grumpy ol man (that's exactly what it wants).
There are a lot of fancy devices out on the market which don't really work that well. They just look cool. Also, they hog up one of your USB slots. These laptop cooling pads are just a way of making money for the manufacturers. These laptop cooling pads cool it from the exterior. This happens while it is being heated. Some of the heat remains inside, which slowly build up and cause a lag again, gradually. So the trick is to cool the laptop completely, not allowing any heat to remain inside. Some of you might wonder if that is actually possible. And some of you might be tempted to throw you hot laptops at me for dragging the post for this long.

So without any further ado, let's just get to the main point, the solution. When you hear the word heat, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? I don't know about you, but for me it 'physics'. Because I am an Indian student in the 12th grade (you get the point). Don't you worry I will not bore you with any physics lessons. I will just tell you how the solution basically works.

Cooling is a process of absorbing heat. The best way to do that theoretically is by using water. But we should make sure that the water does not enter the laptop. So the solution is to contain water in something and keeping the laptop on it. This will do the trick. So the 'something' should be rigid enough to sustain the pressure applied by the laptop, but also soft enough to slightly expand and fit the laptop on itself covering most of the bottom surface.

The only object that I could think of, that fit the description of the 'something' was... wait for it.... A HEATING BAG!!! I have no idea what it is called. But for those of you who don't know what I am talking about, look at the picture.

So fill the heating bag with cold water up to a quarter of its size. And keep your box of fire on it. This will definitely cool it down. You can also use water which is at room temperature. But cold water is the most effective. The laptop will cool down in a matter of seconds.

Make sure that you don't fill the bag completely because it won't be able to balance the laptop. But don't be too stingy with the water. A quarter of the bag is good enough. Also, make sure  the surface of the bag is not very wet or your laptop might stop working for good. Close the lid of the bag tightly.

To see how effective this method actually is, pour the water out of the bag on to your hands to see how much heat has been absorbed. You will be shocked. If you use your laptop for a really long time, you might have to refill the water from time to time (not too often) to maintain efficiency.

Thank you for patiently reading such a long post. I really appreciate it. I hope you don't face any heating issues again. Take care and have a good day!

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